Sunday, October 2, 2011

Have you ever just sat down and looked at your life and where you are at and where you want it to go?

I seem to be doing that a lot lately! I’m here finally at an amazing job but it’s in a small town .. I havent met anyone here except for the people I work with. I have been keeping myself busy by cleaning, working out .. I’ve taken up yoga and absolutely love it. I have also picked up another job , I am just wanting to make money and pay off my debts and save save save! A good friend of mine and I are hoping to go to New York in the Spring! I’m really hoping it works! I’m going to see how my schedule is and then hopefully be working as much as possible so I can make as much as possible and get on my trip! I wanna be on the positive side of the spectrum for once because right now I’m definitely not.

I’ve learnt a huge lesson … not to leave bills in other peoples hands as it has now sewered me. I’m paying off my debts and getting my life positive and going. I can’t wait, I’m going to be working so much and Im actually super excited for it . My life is not where I want it to be right now I want to be in a big city working major market and I’m going to get the drive and do my best everyday at work and get there! Im going to be rehersed for every newscast, I need to build relationships with the people in the community so I can have more local stories .. Ive almost got the newsroom re organized so it can go forward… I think it was a dump room for the old station manager to put his stuff in… it’s still going to be quite the process. I have a lot to do. I can’t wait to get my business cards and have everything ready to go!

On a happier note it is my favourite month! MLB post season is officially underway and of course my Yankees are in the AL race .. But really what else is new! Lol! So far they are looking pretty good Robi Cano drove in 6 RBIs in Game 1! Game 2.. My Derek Jeter got an error and caused a balk! WTF! I know not something you hear much about.

Another part of October that I absolutely love is NHL regular season starts! The countdown is on officially 4 more days until official puck drop. I’m a little nervous for the Flames this year… There is a new GM thank goodness.. Lee Stempniak is a great pick up however.. The teams not getting any younger and there are no prospects really coming up. The flames need to finish low for the next couple of years and get some good draft picks I think and go into a rebuilding phase. However, Feaster seems to think it’s going to be a good season ! Id be stoked to see the boys in the playoffs but April will tell! I’m stoked for Hockey all the time again… working in a sports lounge I’m going to be a happy girl!

Finally NFL season is upon us! So far it’s been quite frustrating.. As a cowboys fan… Romo’s fractured rib isn’t helping him so much… Hes living up to his choke artist ways… 18 points total in the Monday nighter and all were field goals kicked , this week they had the lead and whoops Choko Romo is up to his old antics as they lost to the Detroit Lions.. Who loses to the Lions! Im happy to see Mike Vick back… he sprained his hand last week but he’s back and playing well , its unfortunate he got all wrapped up in the whole dog thing… he’s so talented! it’s a waste for him not to be playing ball.

So overall life is picking up I guess… I’m back to normal with being single again. After a year of not being I’m looking at my life now and I am so much better off without him.. I can’t believe I put up with that for so long! I don’t know if/ when I’ll be willing to date anytime soon but hey time will tell! My guard is back up and really it’s not going to be easy for me to let someone in and really I will have a zero bullshit policy… Another lesson I have learnt and am standing my ground from now on! I’m working on me and my happiness and if they don’t fit it then too bad. I’m excited for my new adventure!

I was reading my blog and saw my list I’ve checked off a couple!
Well the Tan .. not so much.. When I make more money.. I’ll be hitting the tanning bed! I did hit Jib successfully haha probably the funniest video of my life! I have lost almost 30 lbs since Christmas I want about 5 or 10 more to go. I have a lot of me time since I’ve moved and know no one in this town. It’s great I love it. I need to find my battery charger so I can take more pictures! I want to save up for a telephoto lens camera! Take tons of pictures for my walls J . I am currently saving for a big trip! NYC is the plan I need to see new yankee stadium I’ll need that camera for then! I cook for myself all the time now! Italian dishes are my favorite of course oh and Ma found a great rib recipe that I love to make! I am trying for my independence .. With in a year I know I will be! And my hair I am workin on it! It’s quite the process. It’s getting there though I have been taking good care of it and am not colouring it until I go to NYC!

I absolutely love fall!

Scarves. CrispAir.
Boots. Browns. DeepRedNails.
Uggs. Tights&Sweaters. Hockey. Leaves.
Sunsets. HarvestMoons. PumpkinSpiceLattes. PumpkinPie.Burberry
Thanksgiving.Football. Skating. LondonFogs. Beanies. Toques.Mittens.FallFashion

Oh I am also loving bows at the moment

1 comment:

  1. Awesome and I love the positive attitude. Go Yankees, Go Flames, Go Cowboys.....GO CATERINA :)
